January 01, 2012

In My Mailbox #38

Artichoke's HeartArtichoke's Heart by Suzanne Supplee.

"It's not so easy being Rosemary Goode and tipping the scales at almost two hundred pounds - especially when your mother runs the most successful (and gossipiest!) beauty shop in town. After a spectacularly disastrous Christmas break when the scale reaches an all-time high - Rosemary realizes that things need to change. (A certain basketball player, Kyle Cox, might have something to do with it.) So begins a powerful year of transformation and a journey toward self-discovery that surprisingly has little to do with the physical, and more to do with an honest look at how Rosemary feels about herself."


  1. Love the cover!! I hope you enjoy what you got! Come check out my IMM!


  2. I love this cover, it's yummy!
    Happy Reading & Happy New Year!
    In My Mailbox


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