September 04, 2015

What Am I Doing This Fall Season?!

With fall officially here, at least in the Pacific Northwest fall has been in swing for a week or so. We started one and ended one day with eighty degree weather, and then started another day, with a wind storm, rain, no power, and less than sixty degrees. Trees and power line were knocked down, so literally, fall was upon us.

Autumn and Winter are my favorite times of year, and there are so many festivities and activities I love doing, and make sure I get the opportunity to do. I decided the best way to keep track of this fall was through a bucket list.

Originally I wasn't going to post this, or make a point of it, but then I decided it might be fun. I also thought that maybe I could you all ideas of fun things to do this Autumn, or the other way around, with you adding things to my list.

Without further chitter chatter, let's get into it!

Those are just some of the things I want to do this season, what are you planning to do? I would love to know!

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