February 28, 2014

Monthly Review: February

Welcome to Turning Pages!

"It's always been a goal for me to post a "TBR" list at the beginning of every month, and a "Monthly Review" at the end of the month. Why? To set some goals, to have something to work towards, instead of just aimlessly blogging or picking up a book I know I shouldn't be reading because I have to read a different book first. Also it allows me and you to see what I posted the entire month, and if you want to check out a specific post, feel free to click the link!"

Here's what I did all month long.



  1. A very good month indeed :)

    1. Yes! It's been a short, but very long month! I'm trying to write more content type of posts, like reviews, discussions, interviews, etc instead of memes! I'll head there now and check yours out!


  2. Sounds like a productive month for you! I'm really excited because a friend is giving me the Tyrant's Daughter! WOOT. All the joy. :)

    1. Tyrant's Daughter was REALLY good, I was so worried that she was only fifteen or sixteen and that the story would be played down for that! But I was PRETTY happy with the way it worked out!



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