March 06, 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading?

This week I'm actually multi-reading, which is just a term for reading (or listening) to more than just one book at a time. In my last IMM, I told you guys that I took a little trip to my local library, looking for a (just one) audio book. But instead I went home with two, and another book.


I already started and I'm more than halfway through, with Annexed by Sharon Dogar! It's basically a story of Anne Frank, but this time in the eyes of the boy she loved, Peter. So far its amazing, and I honestly can't wait to finish and write my review!

L.A. Candy (L.A. Candy, #1)

Besides Annexed, I'm also reading L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad! This story is about two girls who just moved to LA, one to go pursue a internship, and the other to attend college. One night, having a few drinks at the bar, they are approached by reality TV show producer, and are asked to have a interview, and try out for the newest show coming out, called L.A. Candy. Again, I didn't have high expectations for this book, but it's pretty great so far!

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