March 28, 2011

Update #2: Battle Of The Books

Nooo! Books don't have swords nor shields, and they don't fight each other. Even though that would be pretty cool. But if you haven't heard of a little (but very awesome thing) called Battle of the Books, you should definitely continue reading:D it's good for you.

Every year, each school district (high, middle and elementary schools) has one of these "battles". A list (usually ten, but a minimum of four are required to enter) of books (that questions will be asked about), is handed out in the schools' libraries. When everyone finally signs up, teams are created, and competed against other schools. Not only is this a fun experience, but you could also win money for your school library.

So this year my friend talked me into joining. I already read two books so far, and I'm almost done with the third; reviews will be coming up shortly. But I think Battle of the Books is great, because a lot of times school only revolves around sports, grades and after school clubs. This gives book lovers (like myself) a chance to compete in something I actually enjoy!(:

In this post I was actually going to just talk about Battle of the Books, and how I entered myself this year, but I wanted to add another thing. I just recently started this blog, not knowing if anyone would ever bother to read my posts. After all I'm only sixteen and learning how to drive. Reading is my hobby, my life is school and my family. But I just wanted to say thank you to all my followers, to whoever reads my posts, and also everyone whose ever left me a comment. I appreciate it soo much!:D


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