October 05, 2015

Am I Dead? School? Reviews? Giveaways?!

Let me forewarn you, this is going to be a longer post, full of explanations, more warnings, and what's to come in the future. Most of it will be rambling, and  ALL of it will be AWESOME!

Let's start with, "Where the heck have you been?". It's only been a week or so, since I was last online with either a video or blog post. I decided with the last few days of summer coming quickly to an end, as well as my freedom of doing whatever I want, that I would take those last few days off.

Not only did I want to spend the last few days in the sunshine, and having fun, but I also wanted to spend them with my best friend, who left for college. We were probably WAY more dramatic than anyone, would ever have to be...especially because she's only going 40 minutes away, but still! Who am I going to call in the middle of the night when I'm bored, or who is going to randomly come with me to the arcade when I want to play Dance Dance Revolution!?

Besides that, I also took a little bit of me time. During the school year, I'm all over the place, with almost no sleep, and a cup of coffee always in hand. So it was nice to just focus on myself for a day or two, and not have "any" responsibilities.

School started just last Wednesday, and so far it's been interesting. I don't know too many people in my classes, and everyone seems to be really friendly. I LOVE that about my campus, everyone seems to always have time for you, and always want to help!

In one class, we have a group project that lasts all quarter, and if someone in your group isn't doing their job, you can fire them. I always tend to have one person in my group who doesn't bother doing anything, and if I'm very unlucky, two. In another class, I'm having technical difficulties with the textbook and online program, but I'm hoping that by the end of today everything will be figured out. And finally, in my last class, the teacher is really cool, and even lets us out an hour early for the second class session of the week. Students can stay if they want to get help with homework, but if you don't need it, you have the opportunity to leave early!

With this first week of school, new classes, accounting club meetings, other extra curricular activities, also comes a very intense week of book reviewing.

I did a lot of reading while I was gone, but I'm more than excited to finally get back to making videos, and writing blog posts. I can't wait to start vlogging again today, to edit videos I filmed earlier, and start drafting posts for later this week.

I was sent four books for review, three of which release the same exact day...which sounds a little bit stressful, but I'm also dying to share my thoughts and opinions with you! Three reviews are going up this week, along with a giveaway on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

The fourth book will be reviewed early next week, along with an author interview!

And the last thing I want to discuss is Etsy.

I love it! I can't believe how much I've come to enjoy doing it, and communicating through social media to spread the word of Turning Pages Co!

I want to spend some time this week fine tuning my store, coming up with new ways of packaging and sending off orders, and adding new merchandise. I really want to find Turning Pages Co's identity, and what my main selling point will be. I want to sell stickers, bookmarks, and paper clips. But I really want to focus on each one individually.

Because this blog post is already way too long, I'm going to go ahead and end things here! I had so much fun these few days, but getting back to school, and to blogging, is more than exciting! I can't wait to see what content I'm come up with this week, it should be pretty busy with hauls, book reviews, and a few discussion posts!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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