July 15, 2014

Blogger of the Week

"'Blogger of the Week' is hosted at Turning Pages, and showcases new book blogs and the bloggers behind them, every week. If you're interested in becoming Blogger of the Week, and having your blog showcased at Turning Pages, click here to get more information, to do so."

What is Blogger of the Week? 

"Blogger of the Week" is hosted here at Turning Pages, and anyone with a book blog, can take part! This post is similar to an author interview, but instead of interviewing an author, I'm interviewing the people behind some of our favorite book blogs. "Blogger of the Week" allows us to not only to introduce new and old book blogs, but also get to know the person behind the reviews!

This is also an awesome way to spread the word about your blog!

What is included in a Blogger of the Week post? 

"Blogger of the Week" will include the four mandatory short answer questions, as well as four to eight optional questions. There will also be links to that blogger's blog, and other social media sites. And since it's optional, there might also be pictures, and blog buttons included in the interview also!

How do I become a Blogger of the Week? 

It's REALLY easy! Anyone who meets all of the requirements listed under the "Blogger of the Week" tab, can participate! After making sure you fit the requirements, send me an email (googirl94@gmail.com) with all of your answers, the pictures you want to add, and the various links you want listed in the post. Once I receive your email, your interview will be scheduled.

Interviews are posted on a first come first serve basis.

How will I know when the interview will be uploaded?

Once I receive your email, I will tell you right away. But just in case you forget, I always send out another email right after your "Blogger of the Week" is posted with the link to the post; so no worries!

What do I do after it’s posted?

Share the link at your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The only way "Blogger of the Week" can work is if people help spread the news, and check out that blogger’s website. Tell everyone you know, all your blogging friends, your grandma, your third cousin, everyone! Invite them to become a blogger of the week as well!

These are just some frequently asked questions, but if you have anymore questions feel free to either check out the "Blogger of the Week" tab at the top of the page, leave a comment, or shoot me an email with your questions!

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope to see you in a "Blogger of the Week" post soon!


  1. Great idea!

    Can't wait for these posts!

    1. You should do one! That would be awesome! (:


  2. This sounds so awesome! Hope to meet some cool new blogs!

    Carly @ Books and Etc


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