Please give a warm welcome to Laura, from Scattered Figments!
I started blogging just over a year ago. A friend of mine had a great book blog and I figured it sounded like fun! I've always been an avid reader and, hell, I also like the sound of my own voice! Gushing about books I love and ranting about books I hate has turned out to be not only fun, but rewarding. Blogging also makes me write. I'm hoping to get a book published some day and writing reviews means I have to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) on a regular basis. "Scattered Figments" came from a notebook I keep for my writing. On the front page I wrote "Scattered figments and broken fragments / from my imagination." It's hardly brilliant, but I liked the way it sounded. When I had to choose a name for the blog, it just popped to mind.
(That's awesome! I was never really an avid reader, until about two years ago, no one was able to make me pick up a book. But now you'll never see me without one! My friends here at home don't really read much, and that's why I started blogging, I was on the search for friends with a common love for books!)
If you could change one thing about your blog, what would that thing be?
I would change the amount of giveaways I'm able to do. I'd love to be able to send out all the books I love and offer more book vouchers as an incentive for people to pick up some of the books I recommend. However, I'm simply not rich enough to do so! I'll stick to one-per-month until I win the Lotto.
What are your goals for blogging?
I've been meaning to get more involved in book tours and author interviews. I'm still not entirely sure how to do this, but at some point I'll get around to it!
(I love doing book tours and author interviews! Authors don't always come to where I live, meaning I don't get to ask them questions I have, but with author interviews all and more questions are answered!)
What's the most recent book you've read and tell us about in exactly five words.
I read a book called "The Missing" by Shiloh Walker. I picked it up from the YA shelves in a discount book store. It must've been miss-shelved because the five words I'd use a describe it would be: MUCH raunchier than I expected!
(Hahaha, perfect word choice!)
What do you enjoy doing besides reading and blogging?
All my favourite pass-times involve escapism. I'm a movie buff (especially when it comes to horror) and a video-game fanatic! I know, geeky right? But I just love a good story and playing games ( favourites include those from the Final Fantasy or Dragon Age series) is sometimes like stepping into a good book! I also write. I've recently finished writing my first book and have started querying agents. It's a scary process and, being a newbie, I'm sure it'll take me a long time to get anywhere with it, but it's still exciting.
Your all time favorite book?
This question is always a toughie as when I think I've chosen my favourite, a half-dozen other options spring to mind and make me second-guess myself! Whenever a hear the question, though, the book which springs to mind first is always "The Stand", by Stephen King. It's a book about a plague which wipes out 99.9% of the human race. The survivors of the plague have to side with either a 108 year old woman who acts as the voice of God, or The Dark Man, Randall Flagg. I'm not usually into books with religious overtones, so for me to say this is one of my favourites shows how good the writing must be!
(I really want to get into Stephen King books, I hear nothing but positive things!)
What do you indulge in while reading a good book?
White Zinfandel! Unless I'm reading in the morning, in which case I prefer Jack Daniels, straight up. Kidding! I love to take a book to the beach and grab a coffee on the way. Here in Wales, it's often too cold and/or wet to get out of the car with said book and coffee, but I kind of love just sitting in the car with the rain hitting the windows while I read. Of course, the coffee tends to make the windows steam up, so I probably look dodgy as hell!
If you could take out any author to lunch, who would you take and to where?
I would have to choose Stephen King, for a couple of reasons. The first is that he's my hero. The second is that I actually met him once before and it was an excruciatingly embarrassing moment of my life. Seriously, the shame haunts me. You can read about the excruciating encounter here. You'll cringe. A lot.
So there you have it! Thank you so much for letting me take part in this exciting new meme!
Thank you so much for visiting us at Turning Pages and answering our questions!
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Thanks for including me in this, Lisa! x