October 15, 2015

Candles I'm Currently Burning!

I've done this type of blog post before, actually not too, too long ago, and I really enjoyed it! I loved sharing what candles I was burning with you all at the moment, and what some of my favorite scents, and brands are.

Because it's fall, and starting to get cold, I love burning candles practically throughout the entire day. The whole house smells absolutely delicious, and candles just make me feel bundled and cozy.

In my last post I was burning three candles at a time, which isn't unusual for me. I'm usually burning two, three or maybe even four. Not at the same time, but one day I'll burn one of them, and the next day I'll want a different scent, so I'll burn a different one.

Right now, I'm in the middle of two Bath and Body Works candles.


The first candle, you've already seen in my last post, which is Pumpkin Gingerbread. I'm a little more than half way through it, but haven't been burning it as frequently as I did when I first started it. As anything pumpkin related, I love it! It really brings you into that "fall cozy" mood.

This isn't the usual pumpkin scent though, simply because the "gingerbread" element in this candle truly stands out! Walking into the room this candle makes you think that something is constantly baking. SO YUMMY!


The other candle I'm in the middle of right now, is Butterscotch Toffee. I usually don't reach for these really sweet scents, because they usually tend to be overpowering. I'm not too far into this one, but so far it isn't too strong. Thank goodness!

The only issue I'm having with this candle in specific is the popping of the wicks, and the slight black smoke when it burns. I've had a Bath and Body Works candle set off my fire alarm before, and I'm worried this candle might do the same thing. I'm only burning this one with my window or door open.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

I'm enjoying both of these candles, but am always looking for something new! SO be sure to leave your favorite candles, and scents down in the comments!

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