September 19, 2015

Candles I'm Currently Burning!

Fall is "officially" upon us on in four days, meaning Wednesday September 23 is the first day of autumn.

Unlike the calendar, fall starts for me once the Pumpkin Spice Latte hits every Starbucks in my 50 mile radius, when the leaves start to change colors, and once it cools down enough to start burning candles!

After coming home from a long day at work or school, and driving in cold rain, there is nothing better than laying back and relaxing. All I want to do is get into comfy pajamas, warm blankets, light some candles and spend the night reading a good book...doesn't that sound...magical?

I love candles, and I'm sure I share this interest (addiction?) with some of you! So I decided it would be fun to show you all, which candles I'm currently in the middle of burning.

The first candle I'm burning is from a brand named "Living Colors", which I purchased for only $2.50 at Big Lots. I haven't purchased or even heard of this brand before, but they were cheap and smelled amazing! The scent I'm burning is "Cinnamon and Clove".


The second candle I'm burning is "Spiced Pumpkin Cider" from Bath and Body Works. I picked up this candle and five more, last year during their "3-wick candle for only $8" sale! I love Bath and Body Works candles especially when I can pick them up for an amazing deal! The only issue with this specific candle is that every time I light it, the wicks start popping small bits of black coal...right onto my white tables...

If you know how to solve this issue, please let me know! Cleaning off the black coal, on my white table is pretty hard!


The final candle I'm in the middle of burning is "Pumpkin Gingerbread', again from Bath and Body Works! This candle is VERY strong. It's a candle you can burn on one side of the house, but can smell it on the other side, or even upstairs. This candle doesn't hold back...It's one of my favorite candles, because of that! You only need one candle to make the entire house smell like gingerbread and baking!


Those are the three candles I'm in the middle of burning right now, and am looking for some different suggestions! If you have any favorite candles, or any good suggestions please leave them down below! They don't have to be from Bath and Body Works, as long as they smell good, it doesn't matter to me where they're from!

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