January 16, 2014

Cover Reveal: The One Left Behind, by Lena Nicole

The One Left Behind, by Lena Nicole.


"Colin and Addison are on their way home when they are caught in a vicious car accident. While Colin walks away with minimal injuries, Addison suffers from a traumatic brain injury causing her to lose her short-term memory. She can’t remember the night of the accident. She doesn’t remember being engaged. She doesn’t remember Colin at all. While Addison rebuilds her life, Colin struggles with the fact that the love of his life doesn’t remember him. When Addison meets Pierce, the one person who doesn’t have an ulterior motive, the one person she can talk to openly, Colin thinks his life may be over. Will Addison’s memory return in time for her to save her relationship with Colin? Or is it gone forever, leaving her free to love Pierce?"

Teaser Picture:

Purchase Links:

About the Author: 

Lena Nicole are two army wive friends who enjoy writing in our free time.


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