August 02, 2013

Book Tour: Rise of the Red Shadow!

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"Every story must begin somewhere. For the warrior who would come to be known as the fearsome Red Shadow, the story began in a forgotten glade deep in the land of Tressor. It was there that a pair of trackers, eager to retrieve a lost slave, instead found an orphaned malthrope. Had it been a human, it might have been treated with compassion, but in the eyes of human society a malthrope was a monster, a mix of fox and man believed to be a murderer and thief by its very nature. The beast was to be sold for a handful of silver, but fate intervened in the form of an old blind slave named Ben. Under the learned hand of the one human who believed in his potential, the young malthrope would instead be given the wisdom to take his first steps on the long journey to his destiny. The Rise of the Red Shadow chronicles the early life of one of the most mysterious figures of the Book of Deacon trilogy, the creature called Lain. It tells of his years working and learning on a Tresson plantation until a dark day of vengeance and bloodshed finally set him free. From there you will follow as he finds his place in the world, learning what it is to be a malthrope, and turning to the purpose that will guide him for the rest of his days. It is a story of love, hate, and lessons hard-learned, revealing the painful choices one must make to become the hero the world needs."

COVER IMAGE - The Rise of the Red Shadow

The Rise of the Red Shadow The Book of Deacon Trilogy Prequel (#0.5) By Joseph Lallo 
Genre: Fantasy 
Release Date: 7/30/2013 
Publisher: Independent 


AUTHOR BIO: Joseph Lallo, though having written several novels, is slow to consider himself an author. Educated at NJIT, where he earned a Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, the world of Information Technology is where most of his bills are paid. When not crunching numbers, he owns and operates along with two friends. There he posts random rants and editorials regarding the world of humor, entertainment, and technology. He makes his home in Bayonne, NJ, where he has lived all of his life. His novels and short stories are available via   

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The Rise of the Red Shadow Virtual Book Tour is a Pure Textuality Public Relations promotion.

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