Title: The Goddess Test.
Author: Aimee Carter.
Format: Paperback.
Pages: 293.
Series: Yes, #1.
Source: Harlequin Teen Panel.
Publisher: Harlequin Teen.
Published Date: 4/19/2011.
"In a modern-day take on the myth of Persephone, 18-year-old Kate Winters is thrust into a mythical world, where she must pass seven impossible tests and outsmart a spiteful god in order to save the life of not just her mother but of her captor as well."
Covers are one of the most important parts of a book, they're the ones that have to create a good first impression on any book buying. Even though, we all know we shouldn't be judging books by their covers (literally), we're humans and we do it anyways; it's natural!
The Goddess Test, does do a great job with first impressions. I though the girls facial expression was a tad bit awkward (it almost looks like she's going through pain), but in a way, that's what makes it intriguing. You start wondering what might be happening to her, and why is she just laying in the forest somewhere!
Besides that, I really like the way her white dress, and her red lips really stand out compared to the dark green background, it creates a beautiful contrast!
My Thoughts:
The Goddess Test, was honestly never on my wishlist. Not that I didn't want to read it, or that I read bad reviews (actually I've read quite a few great reviews, where the reviewer couldn't even express her complete love for it). But The Goddess Test, was just something I never really looked that deep into.
After receiving the book in the mail, I did my own little
creeping research, to see what it was about, and what my blogging buddies thought about The Goddess Test, and Amiee Carter's writing style.
The Goddess Test, is basically a re-telling of the Greek myth of Persephone. The main character Kate, lives and takes care of her dying mother, who is in her final stages of cancer. Kate's mother wants to visit and stay in a small town (in the middle of nowhere), named Eden. Not being able to say no, Kate decides to go along, hoping for the best.
She starts a new school, not really looking for friends, knowing she won't have time for them anyways, as she spends every living moment by her mom's bedside (not knowing if it might be her last). Kate isn't looking for friends, or a good time. She just wants to go to school, get her work done, and get back "home".
That is until she meets a boy named James, and a popular girl (you know, the ones with the fake sweetness, that you know is talking about you, as soon as your back is turned) named Ava. When Ava notices her boyfriend eyeing Kate, she decides to invite her to that weekend's "party". Which wasn't exactly a real party at all.
Things pretty much spiral down from there, Kate calls for help, screaming as loud as she can, wishing that someone could hear her. And a mysterious man, named Henry does...
I don't want to give away too much, or else it will just ruin the story! I'm not really into Greek myths, so I decided to do a bit of googling, just to find out, who Persephone was, and what her story is. If you don't know much either, I would recommend doing this, but if you don't want to, then I think you'll be fine too!
The second book of The Goddess Test, is Goddess Interrupted which I believe is coming out in April, so definitely pick up The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter now, so you can read the second book, right when it comes out!(: